How are different industries using AI today?

Annie Paquette
December 19, 2019

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For companies like Server Technology, artificial intelligence may just bring about a more intelligent PDU.  In a recent Wall Street Journal article “The Power of 5G and AI Together,” the authors point to a number of examples of how different industries are using AI today, including manufacturing. It can be easily forgotten within the tech speak surrounding these new technologies. However, the reality is that the next generation of AI will be driven by forward-thinking businesses who are using technology to control costs or otherwise improve their bottom line.   

Thus far, AI leadership has taken different forms, as varied as the industries that have been involved in the development of new applications of the technology.  In addition to the documented work that is taking place to build applications in Smart Cities, there are examples of groundbreaking development in all areas of business. Here is a short recap of the work that has been completed and is still in development in other verticals.


Can you learn about what a consumer wants by following his path through a department store? Several retailers, including Neiman Marcus, think so and have invested in sensors that can track consumer patterns for particular products. If a product flies off the shelves or just the opposite, is picked up but then put back, it gives retailers clues about behavior and allows them to make adjustments within the retail environment. Whether a retailer provides more information about the product or offers instant discounts, they are using behavioral data to increase sales revenue.


Despite the botched debut of the Cybertruck, car companies such as Tesla Motors continue to get consumers closer to driverless, or ‘autonomous,’ vehicles.  The fact is that the edge computing platforms and 5G networks that will be required to enable real-time data-transfer are still being developed.  That said, many of the AI systems that will be doing the real-time data crunching have been in development for years, as the major manufacturers are competing for space in this new market.

Food & Beverage

European brewer Carlsburg AG has been leveraging the power of AI to create better lagers while reducing the amount of time it takes to experiment with different strains of yeast.  Traditionally a time-consuming process, the job of picking yeast variants that meet a number of production standards, not least of which is being able to produce enough alcohol, has been the subject of a research study in the application of AI. Through the creation of specialty sensors, Carlsburg hopes that it can shorten the development time it takes to create new beers.


As we can attest, the manufacturing vertical presents any number of opportunities for transformation through the adoption of AI. Due largely to the number of steps in the process of bringing a product like a network PDU to market, it is an area with seemingly endless potential.  We envision a time in the near future in which sensors collect data about raw materials, transportation, assembly, and testing.  That data can then be used to improve lead times, reliability, and cost so that our mission critical clients can improve their own bottom lines.

At Server Technology, we understand that everything needs power. Our industry leading Smart PDUs are providing the solutions that power today’s AI computing devices.  That’s because our power strategy experts have been trusted to provide network PDU solutions for demanding data centers worldwide for companies large and small. 

Ready to dive deeper into artificial intelligence and its relationship with other technologies, and the resources it requires? Make sure to read our new white paper, "Powering the Next Revolution: Artificial Intelligence".

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